As of January 1, 2025
MINI: Ages 6 & Under PETITE: Ages 7 to 9 JUNIOR: Ages 10 to 12 TEEN: Ages 13 to 15 SENIOR: Ages 16 to 19
20 & OVER: Ages 20+
Dancers Inc. will place all entries into one of the above age divisions based on the average age of all the dancers in the routine. Average age for the routine is calculated by adding up the age of each dancer as of January 1, 2025 and dividing that number by the number of registered dancers in the routine. All decimals will be dropped. For example, an average age of 12.8 would compete at the Junior Average age of 12.
Dancers may be asked to provide proof of age on site at all regional and national events. Failure to do so may result in disqualification if challenged. Entries must compete at the appropriate age level. Dancers Inc. will not place entries in age divisions lower or higher than the average.
Please note:
DINAMIC Conventions do not follow the above age breakdowns.
20 and over entries are not eligible for top awards or cash prizes
A group routine with a dancer in the 20+ age division cannot compete in a lower age division. The entire routine must remain in the 20+ age division.
The oldest performer in a duo/trio, small group or large group (lines and productions excluded) may only compete one age division lower than the oldest dancer's current age division. For example, if the oldest performer is 16 years of age (senior division) they may only compete in the teen (13-15) or senior (16-19) divisions, regardless of the average age. A senior dancer may never compete in the mini (6 & under) petite (7-9) or junior (10-12) age division.
At Dancers Inc. we have structured our performance divisions based on skills achieved by the individual dancer(s) instead of using hours danced/rehearsed per week. It is up to the studio director to use their judgment when selecting a level for a dancer based on the information provided below. We will continue to work in collaboration with our panel of educators to monitor level placement and update accordingly.
When determining the competitive level of a dancer, please keep in mind you can only choose one of our performance divisions. In other words, a dancer cannot be Intermediate in one dance style and Advanced in another. The level you place a dancer on your student roster in our online system will carry through every routine they are in.
Please note: All level changes for dancers must be submitted to the Dancers Inc. office for approval. You will not be able to do this in your registration dashboard.
Dancers Inc. adjudicators reserve the right to advance a routine if they feel the routine demonstrates the skills of the upper division while performing onsite.
Dancers Inc. is happy to present our DINAMIC DANCERS performance division geared towards dancers who have a physical, sensory or cognitive disability. DI will work in collaboration with studio directors/owners to provide a safe and inclusive environment for dancers to perform in. Dancers will be adjudicated by our panel of adjudicators and are eligible for Adjudicator Special Awards. If a dancer or dancers require an aide those individuals will not be counted towards the total number of dancers for the routine or be averaged in the overall age placement. Only dancers performing on stage will be considered for age and group placement.
(Recommended up to 5 routines registered per dancer)
These dancers have limited technical training and a new understanding of the fundamentals of dance. Basic foundation dance movements include but are not limited to the following: Beginner Turns such single pirouettes, chaines, piques/Leaps such as side leaps, grand jetes/Acro Skills that require two hands to be placed on the ground/Walking and Moving Patterns such as grapevines, three step turns, pivot turns/Flexibility such as front/side battements and assisted extensions/Tap Steps such as shuffles, flaps, heel drops, heel toes, dig heels, that follow a consistent tempo and rhythm. This dancer demonstrates an overall understanding of their routine from choreography, musicality and technical steps but has not quite mastered those skills and can use more time improving in the classroom.
There are no cash awards in this division, however there are scholarships available for Beginner dancers. Soloists in this division cannot be entered for The Next Generation Regional title at regional events. There will be a presentation of top overall scores only. Beginner entries are not eligible to participate in our National Finals Showcase performance.
(Recommended up to 9 routines registered)
These dancers have an understanding of the fundamentals of dance, body lines and how to execute skills given. Dancers in this level should be adding advancements to the basic foundation movements mentioned above. Those dance movements include but are not limited to the following: Intermediate Turns such as double pirouettes, connection turns, short sequence of multiple turns, (no second turns)/Leaps such as switch leaps, traveling jumps/Acro Skills that involve only one hand or no hands to execute, demonstrating stalls on the floor, connection of multiple acro skills/Walking and Movement Patterns that require different levels and experimenting weight changes/Flexibility such as front, side and back battements illusions, developes, tilts/Tap Steps such as cramp rolls, tap turns, maxi fords, buffalos, single time steps, pull backs, steps that begin to demonstrate different rhythmic timing and involving weight changes. This dancer demonstrates an overall understanding of their routine from choreography, musicality and technical steps while displaying control of the dancer's body with minor inconsistencies in presentation of skills.
Entries in this level will be able to receive scholarship awards. Soloists in this division can be entered for The Next Generation Winner title at regional events. Intermediate entries are eligible to participate in our National Finals Showcase performance
These dancers have a full understanding of the fundamentals of dance, body placement, stage performance, while executing skills at an advanced level. Advanced turns such as multiple pirouettes, a la second turns, sequence of turns, changing of spots/Leaps that include switching leg placement and directional changes, tilt jumps, traveling leap sequences/Acro Skills such as multiple connected tumbling passes, execution of skills without use of hands, held stalls/Walking and Movement patterns that require the dancer to use full use of the stage through traveling, weight changing/Flexibility such leg turns, unassisted leg holds with stability and proper leg placement/Tap Steps such as single/double pull backs, single wings, shiggy bops, turns, and changing shuffles that demonstrate different rhythmic timing and weight changes while providing clear and precise sounds.
Soloists in this division can be entered for The Next Generation Winner title at regional events. The scores in this division will be considered for gift certificates, scholarships or cash prizes. Advanced entries are eligible to participate in our National Finals Showcase performance.
Advanced soloists are limited to 4 solo entries and must be in different categories of the competition.
Only 1 solo per style of dance can be entered
Their top 2 scoring solos are eligible for the top 10
Advanced soloists are eligible to enter our regional and national title programs
Intermediate soloists are limited to 3 solo entries and must be in different categories of the competition.
Only 1 solo per style of dance can be entered
Their top scoring solo is eligible for the top 10
Intermediate soloists are eligible to enter our regional title program
Beginner soloists are limited to 2 solo entries and must be in different categories of the competition.
Only 1 solo per style of dance can be entered
Their top scoring solo is eligible for the top 10
Beginner solos are not eligible to enter our regional title program
50% of the dancers in a mixed level routine must be from the division they are competing in.
Routines cannot drop down more than one performance division from the highest dancers registered division.
If it's split halfway between levels in dancers, the routine must compete in the higher division. For example, if there are 2 dancers in the Intermediate division and 2 dancers in the Advanced division in a small group, the routine must be placed in the Advanced division.
For duo/trios, the highest level dancer will determine the division of the routine. For example, if a trio were to have one Beginner dancer, one Intermediate dancer and one Advanced dancer; the trio would be bumped to the Advanced division.
Dancers Inc., in consultation with the studio director, may move a routine to the proper division in the case of an entry error on site prior to their performance
Routines can compete out of session as an adjudication only entry. These entries will still receive commentary from our adjudicators, a scored routine and media. They are not eligible for overalls. Please contact our office for more information.
Entries are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis and are limited to available performance time. All entries must be submitted by a dance studio / director. Independent entries will only be accepted if approved by a studio director. Entries must be received by our office 21 days prior to the event. Entries received less than 21 days prior to the event will be considered late entries and are subject to a service fee. Late registrations will only be accepted upon approval of management and are subject to available time and space.
A complete confirmation of competition registrations is available upon submission of entries. Once an account is paid in full, a finalized competition schedule will be sent to the studio director no less than 10 days prior to the event. Dancers Inc. does not follow a general format when scheduling routines as each regional registration differs from city to city. Dancers Inc. will not be accepting schedule requests at this time
**No onsite registrations will be accepted at any regional event or national event**
Title | Number of Dancers | Time Limit |
Solo | 1 | 2:45 Minutes |
Duet / Trio | 2-3 | 3 Minutes |
Small Group | 4-9 | 3 Minutes |
Large Group | 10-18 | 4 Minutes |
Line | 15+ | 5 Minutes |
Production | 15+ | Up to 8 Minutes |
Vocal | Entry consisting of strictly vocal performance | |
Photogenic | Adjudication choice of submitted photograph |
The Next Generation Title Winner is Dancers Inc.'s version of a Regional title. For an additional non-refundable fee, we accept solo entries from the advanced and intermediate divisions at each age division (Mini, Petite, Junior, Teen, Senior). Beginner solo entries are not eligible for the Next Generation Regional title winner. Solo dancers registered in the Intermediate and Advanced divisions must score a high gold or above to be eligible for the Next Generation Regional title.
Studio Directors will notate one solo per dancer for consideration at the time of registration. These solos are still eligible for overall placement. A soloist can only win Next Generation Regional title once per season, however, they may re-compete as many times as they desire.
Next Generation Regional title winners receive recognition as well as an award onstage during the awards ceremony. In addition, dancers will be listed on the Dancers Inc. website and social media sites with a dancers spotlight. In the event of a tie, all ties will be broken by the discretion of the judges with an overall impression score.
Dancers at the advanced level who win the Next Generation Regional Title will receive a $150 scholarship towards our National Finals title program exclusively held at our National Finals. More information on our national title program can be found under 2025 Rules and Regulations National Title Program.
Each entry is adjudicated by 3 judges according to the competition level, performer's age, and dance category at our regional events. At our national events, 4 adjudicators will be adjudicating and the lowest score will be dropped from the total overall score. adjudicators score performers according to a 100-point scale. Points are awarded for technique, execution/musicality, choreography/showmanship, and overall appearance.
Technique - 50%
Execution/Musicality - 25%
Choreography/Showmanship - 15%
Overall Appearance - 10%
All adjudicators will participate in group commentary which will be recorded for each entry. Adjudicator's critiques and scores are uploaded to the studio's Dance Comp Genie account within 2-3 days of completion of the event. Should there be a technical difficulty with the recording of a routine, the studio owner will be notified and handwritten critiques will be provided
Award | Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced |
Prestige Elite | Not Eligible | Not Eligible | 297-300 |
Elite | 291-300 | 291-300 | 291-296.9 |
High Gold | 279-290.9 | 279-290.9 | 282-290.9 |
Gold | 267-278.9 | 267-278.9 | 273-281.9 |
High Silver | 266.9 & Lower | 266.9 & Lower | 272.9 & Lower |
High Score Awards are based upon placement within the beginner, intermediate, and advanced divisions. Onstage announcements for overall award winners will be determined by the number of entries in each division and level.
Awards are based on a composite score and are not affected by placement within an age group.
In recognition of the talents of the choreographers and teachers, we proudly bestow the following special awards to deserving groups at each regional event (Only group routines are eligible for adjudicator’s choice awards). Adjudicator’s choose winners for the following awards:
NEW: These routines will be invited back to perform at our 2025 National Finals as we announce our Entertainment and Choreography of the year winners during our National Finals Showcase
ENTERTAINMENT AWARD: Awarded to a group routine that encompasses outstanding performance quality in their emotional commitment, musicality, presentation and staging. It is awarded to a routine in the 12 and under age division and the 13 and over age division.
CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD: Awarded to a group routine that shows an innovative and creative point of view that incorporates new and unique characteristics in the choreography. It is awarded to a routine in the 12 and under age division and the 13 and over age division.
NEW: These routines will be invited back to perform at our 2025 National Finals as we announce our Entertainment and Choreography of the year winners during our National Finals Showcase
ENTERTAINMENT AWARD: Awarded to a group routine that encompasses outstanding performance quality in their emotional commitment, musicality, presentation and staging. It is awarded to a routine in the 12 and under age division and the 13 and over age division.
CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD: Awarded to a group routine that shows an innovative and creative point of view that incorporates new and unique characteristics in the choreography. It is awarded to a routine in the 12 and under age division and the 13 and over age division.
TECHNIQUE AWARD: Awarded to a studio that demonstrated dancers excellence in dance training and conditioning. It is awarded to one studio in both the 12 and under age division and the 13 and over age division.
TOP SCORING STUDIO: For this award, a studio must have at least five routines registered to qualify.
NEW: Dancers Inc. will take the top five scoring routines from each studio, with at least one routine being a group routine, add them up and find the average to determine who the top scoring studio is. This award is awarded to one studio at each regional event. All solos, duo/trios and group routines will be considered for this award.
Studios only registered with solos/duos/trios will not be eligible for the Top Scoring Studio Award
This award is given to the top scoring routine from the 12 and under and 13 and over age divisions at both the Intermediate and Advanced Levels. All solos, duo/trios and group routines will be considered for this award. Winners of these awards will receive a full scholarship to any of our fall or national final conventions. Must be used within the year of winning the award. Only dancers registered for the routine may use the convention scholarship.
Dancers Inc. is a proud member of the ADCC and is delighted to participate in the 2024-2025 ADCC Studio of Excellence Awards. The Association of Dance Competitions and Conventions is a collective of independent dance competitions and conventions, supporting its members through networking, education, access to resources and camaraderie.
At Dancers Inc. we believe that how you present yourself off stage is just as important as your performance on stage. The ADCC award goes beyond scoring and stage performance and is chosen based on the character of the studio off stage. This award is chosen by the Dancers Inc. staff that you have been working with throughout the weekend. For this award we ask that the studio director and teachers come up to the stage to accept this award.
Dancers Inc. is happy to introduce our DINAMIC Power Rankings for the 2025 regional season.
The DINAMIC Power Rankings is an ongoing leaderboard tracking the highest-scoring routines of the season. This exclusive ranking celebrates the most outstanding performances across four divisions, with the top-scoring routine in each category at the end of the regional season winning a $500 cash prize!
Leaderboard Categories
Throughout the season, we will maintain rankings for the following divisions:
Top 3 | 12 & Under Advanced Solos, Duos & Trios
Top 3 | 12 & Under Advanced Groups
Top 3 | 13 & Over Advanced Solos, Duos & Trios
Top 3 | 13 & Over Advanced Groups
How It Works
The Top 3 highest-scoring routines in each division will be featured on the leaderboard in alphabetical order.
As new scores are earned throughout the season, the leaderboard will be updated accordingly
Final rankings will be determined at the end of the regional season, and the top routine in each category will be awarded a $500 cash prize!
Acceptable forms of payment include a single studio check, money order, or certified check. Digital payment is available via Square or credit card. All credit cards are subject to a service fee via a third-party vendor.
Gift certificates redeemed as a part of payment must be submitted directly to the office in an email with a digital picture to office@dancersinccomp.com. All available discounts must be deducted prior to payment; no refunds or rebates will be issued. All registrations must be paid in full prior to the start of the show. No onsite payments will be accepted. No refunds will be made under any circumstances.
Credits for future competitions will be issued only for medically excused dancers or at the discretion of Dancers Inc. management. Service fees and late fees are ineligible for refund or cancellation. Please note that additional fees may apply in certain situations:
Bank fee/returned check fee: $75 per bounced check
Last-minute registration fee: $50 administrative fee per studio once the schedule has been finalized.
Manual entry fee: $30 administrative fee for registrations sent in via e-email or letter
Dancers Inc. prefers digital upload through our online registration system. If you are unable to use this system please contact the office no later than 7 days BEFORE the competition to arrange another option.
Music uploads MUST BE IN by 7 days BEFORE the event. A late fee of $100 will be added onto accounts if music is not uploaded by deadline. All studios must bring a backup for their music files.
For backup music ONLY we will accept iPod/Smartphone or a flash drive. All files must be labeled with the routine name reflected in the registration. Dancers Inc. is not responsible for lost or damaged equipment.
Similarly, Dancers Inc. is not responsible for the loss of quality of sound due to file upload or damage. Music choices should be age-appropriate and not contain any explicit material such as foul language or overt sexual references. Competitions are performed in public spaces with an audience present and must be "family friendly" For any routines that go over the allotted time limit, that routine will be subjected to a $10 overage fee that will automatically be placed on their DCG account.
Due to legal restrictions, any performances containing sections or the full song 'Space Jam' will have their audio muted on the livestream. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Video and photography during competition are prohibited at all Dancers Inc. events. This includes inside spaces designated as dressing rooms. Videos and photos will be made available via the Dakiki app available for both Apple and Android one week after the event end date.
Freestanding props are allowed; no knives, swords, glitter, confetti, paint, liquid substances, or fire are permitted. Any routine including props must be properly notated at the time of entry in order to ensure preparation time. The placement of the prop must be completed within 1 minute. The timing of the act will begin after the 1 minute prep time. If the stage is "littered" during a routine, you must be prepared to completely clean and clear the stage immediately following the completion of the routine. Failure to do so will result in a 1-point deduction from your total score.
Title entries compete at the age group of the participant as of January 1st of the current competition year.
Solo dancers registered in the advanced division who have received a high gold or higher at Dancers Inc. regional or pre-qualifying event are eligible for entry in the National Title Program. All title contestants must compete at the advanced division in all of their registered routines.
Title contestants are limited to 1 solo entry which must be prequalified prior to our national competition. Title solo time limit is 2:45 minutes. The same solo may be performed for both Titleist competition and National competition.
All title contestants will be judged on technique classwork, convention classes, rehearsals for title and opening number, professionalism, and title solo performance. Classwork/Rehearsals: 40% | Professionalism: 30% | Solo Performance: 30%
Title contestants must be available for the entire week of Dancers Inc. nationals as they will participate in multiple rehearsals, interviews and classwork. They must be available the following competition season to give away their crown to the next member of the royal family.
Title winners will be asked to perform at regional events throughout the upcoming Dancers Inc. season. Based on their age, Titleists will be required to work a specified amount of Dancer Inc. regional events. They also MUST be available for the following season's nationals to give up their title at our Nationals event.
Titleists solos will compete as adjudication only at regionals during their reigning year. You may not hold the same age division title twice (i.e Petite Miss 2025 may not be Petite Miss 2026).
Titleists will be monitored on social media and will be held accountable to uphold a good standing in their everyday lives and with their studios.
Violation of any Dancers Inc. said rules will result in disciplinary action up to and including disqualification. In all cases, Dancers Inc. reserves the right to determine the definition of a violation and a suitable disciplinary action.
For more information please reach out to Emily Sramaty 732-685-8182 or emily@dancersinccomp.com
Any person displaying unsportsmanlike conduct, rude or unacceptable behavior will be asked to leave the premises immediately. No refunds will be issued and dancers are subject to disqualification. This includes dancers, dance studio staff, and family or friends of dancers. This applies to all Dancers Inc. sponsored events.
During competition, a minimum of 9 minutes are scheduled for costume changes between a given performer's entries. In situations where it is impossible to provide this minimum, exceptions will be made and no points will be deducted.
Each entry is required to perform as scheduled. Changes to the schedule must be arranged with the Stage Manager or disqualification may result. Please note: If a dancer performs outside of their adjudicated session, they risk eligibility for overall placement.
Dancers should be in costume, warmed up, and ready to perform at least 1 ½ hours prior to their scheduled time.
Cash prizes are awarded to the dance studio director (when available). We reserve the right to substitute gift certificates for cash awards on a needed basis.
In the event that Dancers Inc. is forced to cancel any or part of an event, Dancers Inc. will either continue the event at a later date that is the majority vote of participating studios or provide studio credits for any other regional or national event in the same season or the one immediately following.
All preceding rules are applicable to each and every Dancer Inc. event and subject to change.
Updated as of October 1st, 2024